I offer psychotherapy via HIPAA compliant teletherapy or in a lovely country setting, both allow for maximum privacy and respect. As there are so few specialists in this field, I only accept clients looking to heal their relationship with food, weight and body image. However, I realize that these issues arise in the context of a full life. No matter how large or small the eating disorder issue is, it deserves competent care. I am very comfortable addressing the myriad of concerns that may accompany this, such as depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties and more.
I treat individuals of all ages and genders. I prefer to treat children and adolescents within the family therapy context. I am also keenly interested in treating couples wherein one or both partners have a concern with food, weight or body image. I find utilizing the support of loved ones can be an accelerant to recovery. It is hard to go it all alone. I also offer consultation to family members and supporters regarding their loved one who is suffering but perhaps is not open to treatment yet. I can help navigate resources and ways to communicate their love and concern.
When health guidelines permit I plan to once again offer group therapy for folks who struggle with overeating.

I am able to see anyone in the state of California, where I am licensed, through the miracle of technology. I use a HIPAA compliant tele-therapy program. You will need a good Wi-Fi connection and it works best on a PC, versus a mobile device. Although it is best to be in person I have found that this method can be just as intimate and deep. I am also trained in how to provide virtual EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing), an evidenced based trauma treatment.

In Person

While there is still a health and safety risk regarding the global pandemic I am offering limited sessions to some clients outdoors. I have created an outdoor living room on a deck overlooking the oaks and with the possibility of viewing an occasional pig who is foraging beneath them. We will sit at least six feet apart and there will be plenty of fresh air. I will be able to expand that offering as the vaccine rollout makes this more possible.

When the time comes and life opens up again I have a large lovely office in a country setting surrounded by gardens. There are comfortable seating options for a large family or group. It includes a dining area to have food exposures and meal experiences. There are 15 steps up to my office and since we raise farm animals on the property you may hear some animal sounds during our sessions.