Resources (in no particular order) browse to find something that might help you on your journey…

- The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, Dalai Lama, 2020
- Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics, Dan Harris, 2017
- Meditation is Not What You Think: Mindfulness and Why It’s So Important, Jon Kabbat-Zin, 2018
- 20 Minute Retreats, Rachel Harris, PhD 2000
See also Guided Meditation Apps
- Keys to Recovery From an Eating Disorder, Carolyn Costin and Gwen Schubert Grabb 2011 Also see workbook section
- Eating in the Light of the Moon, Anita Johnston, PhD
- Life Without ED: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How you Can Too, Jenni Schaefer 2003
- Goodbye Ed, Hello Me: Recover From Your Eating Disorder and Fall in Love with Your Life, Jenni Schaefer, 2009
- The Self Love Diet, Michelle Minero
- Rehabilitate, Rewire and Recover: Anorexia recovery for the determined adult, Tabitha Farrar, 2018
Body Image
- Embodied: Learning to Love Your Unique Body, Connie Sobczak 2014
- Living with your Body and Other Things You Hate: How to Let Go of Your Struggle with Body Image Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Emily Sandoz and Troy DuFrene 2013
- 200 Ways to Love the Body You Have, Marcia Germaine Hutchinson, E.d. 1999
Non Diet
- Intuitive Eating 4th ed, Evelyn Tribole MS RD and Evelyn Resch MS RD, 2020, Also see workbook section
- Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating, Christy Harris MPH, RD 2019
- Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight, Linda Bacon 2010
- Body respect: What Conventional Books Get Wrong, Leave Out, and Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight, Linda Bacon,PhD and Lucy Aphramor, PhD, RD 2014
- The Obesity Myth: Why America’s Obsession with Weight is Hazardous for Your Health, Paul Campos 2004
- 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food, Susan Albers, PsyD 2009
- Fat!So?: Because You DON’T have to APOLOGIZE for your SIZE, Marilyn Wann 1998
Helping A Loved One With An Eating Disorder
- Anorexia Nervosa: A Recovery Guide for Sufferers, Families and Friends, Janet Treasure and June Alexander, 2013
- Throwing a Starfish Across the Sea: A care package for the parents of someone with an eating disorder, Charlotte Bevan and Laura Collins, 2015
- Brave Girl Eating: A Family’s Struggle with Anorexia, Harriet Brown, 2011
- My Kid is Back: Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa, June Alexander with Professor Daniel Le Grange, 2010
- Take Charge of Your Child’s Eating Disorder: A Physician’s Step by Step Guide to Defeating Anorexia and Bulimia, Pamela Carlton, MD and Deborah Ashi,n 2007
- Just a Little Too Thin: How to Pull our Child Back From the Brink of an Eating Disorder, Michael Strober, Phd and Meg Schneider, MA LMSW 2006
- Just Tell her to Stop Family Stories of Eating Disorders, Becky Harry 2011
- Eating with Your Anorexic, Laura Collins, 2005
- Anorexia and other Eating Disorders: how to help your child eat well and be well: Practical solutions, compassionate communication tools and emotional support for parents of children and teenagers, Eva Musby, 2014
- When Food is Family: a loving approach to heal eating disorders, Judy Scheel, Phd, LCSW 2011
- Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family, Ellyn Satter 2008
- What to Say to Kids When Nothing Seems to Work, Adele Lafrance, PnD and Ashley Miller, MD, 2020
- Ending the Parent Teen Control Battle: Resolve the Power Struggle& Build Trust, Responsibility & Respect, Neil Brown, LCSW 2016
- Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in their Digital World, Devoraah Heitner, PhD 2016
- Parenting Teens with Love and Logic: Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood, Jim Fay and Foster Cline, 2020
- The Orchid and the Dandelion: Why Some Children Struggle and How All Can Thrive, W. Thomas Boyce, MD, 2019
- Keys to Recovery From an Eating Disorder Workbook, Carolyn Costin and Gwen Schubert Grabb 2011
- Intuitive Eating Workbook, Evelyn Tribole MS RD and Evelyn Resch MS RD, 2017
- The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: a non-diet, body positive approach to building a healthy relationship with food, Elyse Resch, MS RDN 2019,
- The Appetite Awareness Workbook: how to listen to your body and overcome bingeing, overeating, & obsession with food, Linda Craighead, PhD
- The Don’t Diet Live It Workbook: Healing Food Weight and Body Issues, Andrea Wachter, LMFT and Marsea Marcus, LMFT 1999
- The Appetite Awareness Workbook, Linda Craighead, PhD 2006
- Getting Over Overeating for Teens: a workbook to transform your relationship with food using cbt, mindfulness & intuitive eating, Andrea Wachter, LMFT 2016
- The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Bulimia, Emily K Sandoz, PhD, Kelly Wilson, PhD, and Troy Dufrene 2011
Miscellaneous Eating Disorders
- Health Food Junkies: Overcoming the Obsession with Healthful Eating, Steven Bratman, MD 2004
- Overcoming Night Eating Syndrome, Kelly Allison PhD, Albert Stunkard, MD, 2004
- Making Weight: Men’s Conflicts with Food Weight, Shape & Appearances, Arnold Andersen, MD, Leigh Cohn, MAT, Thomas Holbrook, MD 2000
Other Generally Helpful Books
- Permission to Feel: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-being and Success, Marc Brackett, PhD 2020
- The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD, 2015
- Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself, Melody Beattie, 1986, 1992 with 25th anniversary published in 2011
- Mindset, Carol Dweck, PhD 2016
- Girls and Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape, Peggy Ornstein, 2017
- Boys and Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity, Peggy Ornstein, 2020
- The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, Brene Brown, 2010, 2020
- Making a Good Brain Great: The Amen Clinic Program for Achieving and Sustaining Optimal Mental Performance, Daniel G. Amen, 2006
- In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan, 2009
- When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Pema Chodron, 2016
- How to Change Your Mind, Michael Pollan, 2018
- The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams, 1975
- The Runaway Bunny, Margaret Wise Brown, 1946
Guided Meditation Apps
See also books on Mindfulness
Information regarding Family Based Therapy (FBT also known as The Maudsley Method)
- F.E.A.S.T: the global support and education community of and for parents of those with eating disorders (a good place for parents to get information in how to help their child recover from an eating disorder, I suggest signing up for the 30 days newsletter)
- Eva Musby: Helping you free your child of an eating disorder
- Maudsley Parents, a site for parents of eating disordered children
- A scholarly article on Family Based Treatment
- Equip.Help This is a new evidence-based program that builds upon the strengths of Family Based Therapy. It is a virtual intensive program that includes a 5 person team of well trained professionals for each family. It is based on the latest research out of UCSD.
- The Ellyn Satter Institute (a good place to get guidance in how to help your children have a healthy relationship with food)
- Love and Logic Institute, Inc. – Facebook – (a respectful and effective parenting strategy)
- National Eating Disorders Association
- Neil D. Brown Healthy Family Connections
Pro-recovery Podcasts
- Binge Dieting: Learn how to change your relationship with eating. Betsy Thurston, MS RD
- ED Matters. Interviews with top experts in the field of eating disorders
- Food Psych Podcast with Christy Harrisison, MPH RD
- Maintenance Phase. Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams, and nonsensical nutrition advice (explicit content)
- The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast with Tabitha Farrar. An adult, who recovered from anorexia by refeeding herself, interviews with top professionals. She is no longer making episodes, but you can peruse past episodes here
- This is a must listen to episode about how evolution and biology is likely behind anorexia nervosa
- The Recovery Warrior Show. Motivation and inspiration for all types of eating disorders with Jessica Flint
Virtual Groups and Recovery Resources
- Eat for Life, Lynn Rossy
- Eat Confident
- Light of the moon cafe
- Am I hungry Groups with Michelle May
- IE mentorship circles with Rachel W. Cole
- Body Image Reboot with Alissa Rumsey
- IE & Body Image group
- Peaceful Eating community
- Eating Disorders Anonymous
- Alsana support groups, including some for family and friends supporting
- Another list of free online support organized by day of the week
Eating Disorder Recovery Coaches and Dietitians
- Carolyn Costin
- Recovered Living
- Tabitha Farrar
- Kat Brown, MSRD Dietitian
- Christina Gaunce MS RD Dietitian
- Leslie Pinkerton MS RD Dietitian –
Recommended Options for Higher Levels of Care
For Adolescents
- Center for Discovery
- Avalon Hills
- Montecatini
- UC San Diego (Cutting edge treatments based on their latest research, includes 5 day intensive programs which include family/supporters)
- UC San Francisco
- The Healthy Teen Project
- Monte Nido
- The Lotus Collaborative
- Equip.Help This is a new evidence-based program that builds upon the strengths of Family Based Therapy. It is a virtual intensive program that includes a 5 person team of well trained professionals for each family. It is based on the latest research out of UCSD.
For Adults
- Alsana (Residential care in Pacific Grove, Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient programs in Monterey, and virtual Intensive Outpatient Programs. 18 years and older, all genders, offers the only program in the country to help folks who are vegan. They have an “Adaptive Care Model” to guide clients towards total health by pursuing wellness in five key areas that facilitate recovery: medical, nutrition, movement, therapeutic, and relational practices.)
- Montecatini (all levels of care)
- Avalon Hills (in Utah, they use the latest brain science and “treat to outcome”, including sensorimotor interventions such as equine therapy.)
- Cielo House
- Monte Nido (all levels of care)
- The Lotus Collaborative (partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient)